This bike was released in 2006, but if anyone knows anyone who has bought one, put up a post.
I am completely uncertain about the ride quality of the bike once it is modified to provide solar energy to run its front hub 500w motor. The bike they advertise is $1295. And the solar-powered motor kit is $795. The whole thing weighs in at 75lbs.
I kind of like the idea of solar panels as wheel covers. At least, theoretically, there is the promise of more surface area for gathering a suitable amount of passive solar while your bike is parked or set down on the grass while you eat lunch in the park.
I don't want a motor on my own bike. Pedaling makes me happy. But I would love to adapt a light, efficient charging system that didn't look like an messy pile of duct tape and wires to power my 65w laptop for hours on end when I am away from wall outlets.
Some one call them, and let us know what they say.
Here is the info. on the manufacturer's site:
Canadian Entrepreneur, Peter Sandler, President of Therapy Products and Inventor of the E-V Sunny Bicycle developed the first all Solar electric bicycle driven completely from power derived from the Sun’s Rays.
The E-V Sunny Bicycle has light absorbing Solar panels built right into the Wheels, creating continual power from the Sun’s Rays, and maintaining a constant charge to the batteries. The bike is propelled by a 500 watt front hub motor.
The variable speed electronic controller drives the bike to speeds of up to 30 kilometers per hour. Overall weight of the bicycle is 75 lbs. and comes with 17 amp hr. batteries and a built in battery charger.
Cost of the E-V Sunny Bicycle is $1295.00 and comes with a 90-day warrantee. The cost of the kit starts at $795.00, and the Company provides after sales servicing.
Orders are now being taken for delivery in September of 2006; contact the Company through their email at , Toll Free at # 1 800-567-9926 or their web site from the manufacturer's site."