Monday, October 17, 2011

Oregon Manifest Modern Utility Bike Challenge and Creative Collaboration Bicycles

If you want to see the bikes constructed by those who took up the Oregon Manifest's challenge of building the ultimate utility bike for modern living, click here.

Here are some of the winners of the competition. Thank you, makers and all concerned, for providing me with some thought-provoking, two-wheeled eye candy.



All pixs lifted from the Oregon Manifest site. (Best of Show: Tony Pereira, Pereira Cycles), (Student Winners: Univeristy of Oregon.)

While you are clicking around on the Oregon Manifest site, check out the creative collaboration bikes.


(Peoples' Choice: IDEO and Rock Lobster Cycles)


(Fuseproject and SyCip Design)


(Ziba Design and Signal Cycles)
(All pixs lifted from the Oregon Manifest site.)

If you have a job, you better get back to work. If you don't, and you love bikes, go for a ride. You'll feel better. While you are pedaling, think about what you might create.
(Thanks to Raju for sending me this link.)