I am obsessed with watching every minute of the Versus coverage of this year's Tour de France. It is like a daily five-and-a-half-hour-long HBO mini-series for the bike freak in all of us. When the TdF drama is over, I am sure I'll feel disoriented and lost. Next to my bike, the DVR (digital video recorder), which eliminates the billions of commercials, is my new most favorite machine. So the extended Tour coverage, coupled with the fact the bike shop is slammed, means that the posts are short and sweet for another week. Anyway, Roland in North Carolina emailed to ask if I had any red track pedals he could buy for a fixie he is building. (I sound like Casey Kasem on American Top 40.) The answer is yes, Roland. MKS is making the Sylvan Track pedal in red, blue, gold, and black anodized colors as well as in the regular silver finish. They cost more, but the color is a nice touch if you are designing a special bike, and the anodized color looks pretty deep on the set of MKS pedals that just arrived at the shop this week.
Photos by Wheelgirl