We just go in some Basil bike-specific panniers, baskets, and Postman bags . Basil is a Dutch bicycle accessory company. These bags attach to your rear rack and look good on and off your bike. When you arrive at your destination, detach the bags, and bring them into the your workplace or local store, they read as fashionable carry bags. You don't appear as a dressed up bicycle tour leader who is lost. Your carry-all is not hanging awkwardly from a too-short black web handle embedding its metal hooks into your leg. Instead, these bags look and feel like other non-bike specific trendy book bags, purses, and totes.
All of the bags have rack hooks that fit on the rails of the rear rack, but there is a zipped flap that covers the hooks, so only you know they are there. They also have reflective material on the outside, zipped compartments, and shoulder straps or wide handles for ease of carrying. The baskets have an internal frame with hooks attached and a carry handles. The Basil items are attractive and different from most of the other baskets and panniers I've seen. I don't know how they hold up, so put up a post, and let us know how they wear.
The patterns currently in the shop are probably more appealing to the female of the species than the male of the species, in terms of actually carrying around the bags. The guys at the shop have commented that they think the bags are appealing gifts for the women, but they don't feel as if rose and fern patterns really fulfill their own personal carry-bag needs. However, tons of guys come into the shop in search of parts and accessories for project bikes they are making for the special women in their lives. These bags are a nice way to personalize that commuter bike project gift.
Basil does have designs that are a bit less fancy, and these designs, as well as the checked basket designs, may appeal to male and female cyclists who want fewer floral patterns and more solid colors in their lives. The totes and Postman bags aren't what you are going to want to take if you are cycling touring through the Himalayans, but for local shopping and commuting to work via bicycle, it is refreshing to see another option for an alternative and stylish way to carry items on your bike.
Photos taken by Wheelgirl. (The white foam in the last photo is covering the hooks that you use to attach the bag to your rear rack.)