Monday, July 12, 2010

Pink Rohloff Speed Hub and Components

You are not going to see too many of these pink Rohloff Speedhubs with matching anodized pink Chris King, Hope, and Velocity components decorating a Lynskey Performance titanium frame this summer. Email Cycle Monkey if you've had it up to here replacing drive train parts on your touring, downhill, or mountain bike, and you're ready for a Rohloff.

Wheelgirl is crazy happy to be working with Cycle Monkey, the North American Rohloff Service Partner. Contact them for a consultation; ship them your bike; and they get the Rohloff conversion done quickly and accurately. I just met a bike touring cat from the UK who put 20,000 kilometers (12,427 miles) on his trouble-free Rohloff this past year of touring.

(Photos by Wheelgirl)